Friday, February 03, 2006

The Purpose of a Wheel

The Purpose of a wheel with different spokes is to establish a context and face one another in our differentiation to realize that we are each magnificently made by ONE INFINITE SOURCE.

We are each infinitely lovable with our own special gifts to contribute. Now we can all sit and yammer about Christ, Buddah, Allah, God (Good), Goddess, Magick and Jehovah or even complain that the Source prefers one language over another.

We can do that infinitely too, and sit in the face of apparent duality, or we can chose to serve, and contribute what is in our Hearts (seed-atoms), in our own way, to the greater whole of life, with the unique tools which have been uniquely given to us.

The Universe (one verse) only has action and resistance to action.

It expands or folds in on itself and collapses.

feet are the ones upon the Earth at this given moment.

We can chose to walk in Peace, Anger or not at all.

There is no right answer but what suits you as part of the Life force.

This Wheel application has a life of it's own and is moving freely.

It happens to be working me with great strength.

Will you join in becoming part of the Peace tribe?

A group of individuals committed to living more gently.

Creating the time to honor all of life, heal the brokenheartedness of our human condition, allow
the Spirit of Love which the Christ and Buddah personified to better this place for our children and all other creatures on the face of this living entity process called Terra and Beyond.

The chance to make a difference is NOW. The

Wildcat Wheel
is taking place June 10-11, 2006. This is the Dove Moon, and this

Wheel is the Heart of the Dove
, the

Holy Spirit in action
. You are free to join us in prayer from where you are, or from one of the spokes. The time has come for the tide to change. A

Deep Reverence for All of Life
is included in our prayer whether you chose to participate actively or not.

Take a deep breath and give thanks for the miracle of your life this day. It is no mistake that you are here. For all the feet that walk the Earth, with Love, and in Service and Gratitude,

I Am,