Purpose and Invitation
This is an invitation for ALL Life to join in this opportunity for Universal Celebration/Prayer for Gratitude to Life for the Healing of ALL Our Relations. The world's organization, as we know it, is crumbling all around us.
This is a world without end. Everything is alive. All things change. Feel the Universal Pulse within your heart.
The time is at hand for individuals to reach within themselves and express their purpose for being on the Earth now. Celebrate all of Life, the interdependence and magnificence of being a part of it ALL.
Join us at the Wildcat Wheel in SW Wisconsin or celebrate from where you are, 10-11 June, 2006 for 48 hours.
Sing, dance, pray, meditate, drum, fast, purify, celebrate, give thanks, trust, include everyone and every living thing (bring children and pets or not), love, have faith, do good works, share, release, receive, honor yourself and others as part of the magnificence you represent.
This is an opportunity to recognize we live in relationship to a beautiful Living Entity called TERRA and that she too is in transition for many reasons.
Harmonize with her in her changes, this is evolution.
Breath and life consist of an inhalation and an exhalation. Everything is in perfect order.
Support our Project
Send financial donations to:
Coulee Region Unity Circle
P.O. Box 89
Viroqua, WI 54665
(we are tax exempt)
for local camping and the twelve spoke locations for the event write to
The idea is that through the Dove Full Moon in June's alignment with the Galactic Center, we can choose to build trust in our (Dove) hearts and relinquish acting out like discordant Wildcats with one another.
This activation is for ALL, by many people's small steps, to create a beautiful new road for life to express itself now and in the future generations. YOU make the difference, you choose the way to do it, there is no longer any separation. This is about the inclusion of Community.
Whatever your choice, the moment for Unity in Diversity is here and you can make a difference to the Sacred Geometrical application of this Universal Event, which can have fractal impact on ALL LIFE.
We are ALL created from ONE SOURCE, Thank you for your life and the role you play in this awakening experience. We give thanks for your life.
This is a world without end. Everything is alive. All things change. Feel the Universal Pulse within your heart.
The time is at hand for individuals to reach within themselves and express their purpose for being on the Earth now. Celebrate all of Life, the interdependence and magnificence of being a part of it ALL.
Join us at the Wildcat Wheel in SW Wisconsin or celebrate from where you are, 10-11 June, 2006 for 48 hours.
Sing, dance, pray, meditate, drum, fast, purify, celebrate, give thanks, trust, include everyone and every living thing (bring children and pets or not), love, have faith, do good works, share, release, receive, honor yourself and others as part of the magnificence you represent.
This is an opportunity to recognize we live in relationship to a beautiful Living Entity called TERRA and that she too is in transition for many reasons.
Harmonize with her in her changes, this is evolution.
Breath and life consist of an inhalation and an exhalation. Everything is in perfect order.
Support our Project
Send financial donations to:
Coulee Region Unity Circle
P.O. Box 89
Viroqua, WI 54665
(we are tax exempt)
for local camping and the twelve spoke locations for the event write to
The idea is that through the Dove Full Moon in June's alignment with the Galactic Center, we can choose to build trust in our (Dove) hearts and relinquish acting out like discordant Wildcats with one another.
This activation is for ALL, by many people's small steps, to create a beautiful new road for life to express itself now and in the future generations. YOU make the difference, you choose the way to do it, there is no longer any separation. This is about the inclusion of Community.
Whatever your choice, the moment for Unity in Diversity is here and you can make a difference to the Sacred Geometrical application of this Universal Event, which can have fractal impact on ALL LIFE.
We are ALL created from ONE SOURCE, Thank you for your life and the role you play in this awakening experience. We give thanks for your life.