Thursday, January 12, 2006

Wildcat Wheel (Western Wisconsin)

More and more people are showing an interest in the night skies in western Wisconsin. In Vernon county we are fortunate to have two large "dark" areas----Wildcat State Park (near Ontario) and the Kickapoo Valley Reserve (just north of La Farge and slightly south of Ontario).

These two public spaces share over 10,000 acres of "undeveloped" natural beauty. To learn more about the value of "Dark Skies" and the affects of artificial lighting, you are invited to attend the program at the Webster town hall later this month.

On Tuesday, January 24th, 7pm, the Webster town hall will host a presentation on energy -efficient exterior lighting. Mr. David Toeppen's slide program is titled: "SEE THE LIGHT". It will give a history of electric lights and the health effects of artificial lighting. Webster town hall is located on Highway 82, west of La Farge.

The public is invited and there is no admission fee. Refreshments will be provided and Mr. Toeppen will visit with audience members following the program.
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