Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Blessing Ceremony for Mother Earth

Blessing Ceremony For Mother Earth's Mountains & Waterways
My Message of the Dream – Bennie E. LeBeau, Sr., BlueThunder

This vision of several magnificent and wondrous mountains found in America's North Western peaks had come to ask the Indigenous Nations and humanity to come to the aid of Mother Earth and her inhabitants. She asked the Indigenous Nations to assist her in the re-connection of humanity's awareness of love, peace and harmony within the universal presence of the Sun, Moon, Planets and Stars. The dream spoke in a mysterious way, reminding us WE ARE the "keepers of the earth and its sacred wisdom." WE ARE to help all things and ourselves once again realize that "all things are related" upon earth and within the universe.

The Elementals of earth, wind, fire and water asked us to prepare the mountain peaks and bodies of water for a powerful ceremony. The ancestral spirits spoke giving direction to build and reset into harmony a huge medicine wheel. This wheel was activated on May 8, 2004. The boundaries of this medicine wheel encompassed twenty well-known mountain peaks and bodies of water. It covers an area whose radius is some 600 miles, within Grand Teton National Park and Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming as its center hub. The sacred sites shown on my website at: shows were these sacred sites are located in a 1,200 mile north to south and east to west medicine wheel design.

The spiritual vision called the Indigenous Nations, along with other cultures, living within this 600-mile area to come forth. Many came forth putting our relationship with nature and each other back into peace and harmony in sacred vibrations. They came forth with the use of sacred prayers, utilizing their drums, songs and sacred vibrational tools. Utilizing prayer, the sacred vibrations of the drums, by chanting their songs as the ancient sites were rebirthed and re-vitalized into harmony. The intent of the pre-ceremony on those sacred sites was important to place back into harmony and balance on those lands, mountains and bodies of water that were, ''out-of-harmony.'' This was an important part of the work that took place before the main ceremony could take place on May 8, 2004. Reharmonizing these sacred sites was really important, due to the reckless development within these areas that has happened within the Northwestern United States at large. The dream mentions that when the ceremony takes place negative thought forms, which lie within these areas, know as sound, thoughts and bad vibrations would be released. These negative energies needed to be released allowing the bondages of spiritual beings trapped to cross over to the Creator. The negative actions that took place have upon the land is what has taken the sacred sound of harmony out and was now retuned in harmonic sounds using our drums and prayers on May 8, 2004.

This vibration released this 600-mile area out of the bondage of negativity for our families, us and for Mother Earth. By re-attuning these sacred sites fixed many areas to now work together with one another, as the ancestor's once did in the past before colonization took place. The ceremony then became an important tool to teach all individuals the importance of our Mother Earth and the blessings she has given all of us. The re-harmonization helped bring back the rains, springs and snow in many areas. Many of Mother Earth's womb springs come to life once again, flowing outward. Water carries the messages of life, while sustaining life, our lifeblood. The Creator and Mother Earth blessed us as they watched over us all at that time as her children of humanity of all colors attended.

The animals, winged ones, water beings, trees and rocks as well as the Creator of the Universe worked with us to vibrate in sacred thought forms in prayer. This brought about a co-creative effort of harmony blessing the earth, the wind, the fire and the water. The drums vibrations and sacred prayers flowed through Yellowstone Lake to its twin complement the Caspian Sea on the other side of the earth. The duality we live in required us to consider ''both sides of the earth'' when striving to keep balance if we are to keep things in harmony. In doing so, we are seeing a significant change in the attitudes of all those living inside the medicine wheel of our nineteen sacred mountains. Including the weather, more rain, springs and snow where it has not been for many years.

Not only in Yellowstone but also in the Caspian Sea area of Turkistan, Iran, Iraq and the surrounding countries. The powerful vibrations of war, robs the land's minerals and resources are causing mother earth to fall from harmony and balance there, here and everywhere. These negative vibrations affected the Yellowstone/Grand Teton National Park areas producing small earthquakes and volcanic activity underneath the Yellowstone Lake causing a caldera to rise. Not only in this vicinity, but the trembling continues around the world, as her environments of weather change everywhere. Due to controlled development, nuclear testing, bombing, housing development projects, etc, etc, etc, takes the harmonic sound from the sacred sites taking the Earth out of harmony.

The Eastern Shoshone from the Wind River Mountains in Wyoming and others from the area who choose to participate gathered under the Grand Tetons near the Grand Teton National Park, which was the center of the Medicine Wheel in Grand Teton National Park. At the same time tribal nations, groups and cultures within the areas of the twenty sacred site mountains and waterways prepared for ceremony. Using their songs, chants and drumming to vibrate and bless these areas. Simultaneously we in the Wyoming area combined our ancestral songs, chants, drums and sacred instruments within the Grand Teton Peaks of Wyoming. These combined efforts did without doubt; bless our Mother Earth and all her creations beyond the wildest imagination. When these sacred mountains and waterways were reset back into working order, balanced and harmonized Mother Nature re-orchestrating in beauty and harmony.

Upon these sacred sites were placed sacred stones, crystals with prayers upon them to hold the energy. Electrically-magnetically charged energy vibrating at a high velocity healed Grandmother Spider's web of life. Reconstructing the Web of Life back into a blossoming flower once again. Heaven upon Earth burst forth and everything once again emerged into harmony. The rains fell and the waters and springs began to flow again, more snow. Plants and flowers grew in abundance, animals flourished and ''all things related”, prospered.

Asking For Support From All Cultures, Nations

To bring this about, I had been directed by the vision to travel and talk with the Indigenous Nations and other cultures. I asked for their assistance in activating these sacred sites. Many come and fulfilled their dreams as humans to bring about harmony within this huge star gate called a medicine wheel. For what is above is below. As in the universe so it is upon the surface of our Mother Earth and below her surface within the crystalline matrix that makes up her great heart beat. After the ceremony the Indigenous Nations, groups and cultures that participated in the manifesting of this vision saw great changes in their areas. These awakened and re-integrated the ancient teachings of the Indigenous Nations as brothers and sisters side by side. By working with the sacred traditional knowledge's and wisdoms we brought harmony back to our mother; we are now beginning to remember our ceremonies that can heal Mother Earth. Water. Rain. Springs. Snow.

This was a joint effort of all involved. We were in the highest form of sacred thought while in prayer. We worked in a straightforward manner. Understanding there could be no disagreements as to who is right and who is wrong, for the twenty mountains and rivers of this medicine wheel had already heard enough of this negativity. This vision showed that our undertaking was a joint effort working together in peace and harmony with one another. Working with our families we were surrounded by the four colors of humanity, mankind itself. We brought back a peace of mind to our spirits, to our hearts, and to our homelands. We released the bondage of negative thought forms releasing the prejudice within our minds and the earth for the betterment of all living things with one another. Mother Earth assisted us in these areas that were being prepared. We activated the sacred vibration of harmony throughout the sacred Magnificent 19 + 1 = 20 Medicine Wheel.

In closing, We All prayed that the whole world will choose to be aware of this ceremony as it took place on May 8, 2004. Many countries from around the world worked with us on their sacred sites, simultaneously. Those that choose to attend this sacred meditation in prayers brought peace and harmony that we all so desire in peaceful relationships caring for one another, which was experienced by those who attended this ceremony know of the importance of our prayer and the intentions of what we wanted did take place. The human race is depending on us for WE ARE the "keepers of the earth and its sacred wisdom. For,” We are the one's we have been waiting for," Hopi prophecy.

Bennie E. LeBeau, Sr., Blue Thunder
Eastern Shoshone, Wind River Indian Reservation
Ft. Washakie, Wyoming - January 20, 2006