Wildcat Wheel ("Big Wheels Keep On Turning....")
Wildcat Wheel
Big Wheels keep on turning....
(This posting has some graphics connected with its text. If you would like copies of these two map do request them as I don't see any way to include them on this blog)
Located in the upper central water shed of the Mississippi River, this Wheel potentially can effect healing in New Orleans and stability in the New Madrid Fault. As we enter turbulent times that include unstable Magnetic flux within the earth and drastic climate and earth changes in the works in general, creating intentional coherent frequencies- like large scale Medicine Wheels, it is hoped that these effort will prove to have a harmonizing affect on these changes.
From the seven sacred direction alignments I would surmise that this wheel has the potential to heal ‘All Our Relations’. The 44th parallel which Wildcat is on links the Quint Bay, the birth place of the Peacemaker- the founder of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy and the Black Hills- the Center of All that Is, and along the way keys into Pipestone. To the south: Wildcat aligns with the Mound Builders of ancient Mississippian culture and the Mayans of the Yucatan.
Wildcat Mountains geographic position within North America speaks to a coming together or convergence of biomic regions. Expanding on the proposed Wildcat Medicine Wheel- larger wheels generate a pebble in the pond syndrome set in motion by this wheel. The accompanying graphic speaks to this position. The other rings/ wheels mark biome regions whose diameter is set by defining synergistic geographic characteristics common to the wheels sense of place. The wheel is centered on OK City and includes much of Texas- as the present Biome in power with the past three presidents coming from this biome as well as their base of oil and military and christian power elite. I’ve coined this the “Oil Biome”. Wildcat also harmonically links to the Southern Biome, Great Lakes Biome, and the Black Hills or High Plains Biome. Place names indicate locations of interest to act as distant anchor- projectors of the intent set by the Wildcat Medicine Wheel.
Poised due south of Wildcat Mountain is the very powerful and unstable New Madrid Fault with its radiating tremor zones. Centered around this fault like a blood shot eye is the ‘Trails of Tears’ taken by the Native ancestors in their forced relocation to the Oklahoma Territory. This karmic zone is all wrapped up with the curse of Tucumsa and is a national sin that has yet to be forgiven. With Wildcat is an opportunity to work towards healing this crack in the spiritual heart of America. Wildcats synergistic position between the Oil, Southern and Great Lakes Biomes works the compression zone of the fault and sets the wheels in motion generating a mutually supportive dynamic fueled by the high compression zone of the New Madrid Fault. And the Wheels go Round!
Wildcat is a place of power whose old land hold the memories of before the glaciers. This original memory is a good reminder for us moderns. The wave forms of river and rock emanating from Wildcat carry the wave frequency of intention outward. Given the potential blowback this work should only be done with the highest and noblest of good intentions.
Peace and Good Will
In Gratitude
Peter Champoux author Gaia Matrix
Big Wheels keep on turning....
(This posting has some graphics connected with its text. If you would like copies of these two map do request them as I don't see any way to include them on this blog)
Located in the upper central water shed of the Mississippi River, this Wheel potentially can effect healing in New Orleans and stability in the New Madrid Fault. As we enter turbulent times that include unstable Magnetic flux within the earth and drastic climate and earth changes in the works in general, creating intentional coherent frequencies- like large scale Medicine Wheels, it is hoped that these effort will prove to have a harmonizing affect on these changes.
From the seven sacred direction alignments I would surmise that this wheel has the potential to heal ‘All Our Relations’. The 44th parallel which Wildcat is on links the Quint Bay, the birth place of the Peacemaker- the founder of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy and the Black Hills- the Center of All that Is, and along the way keys into Pipestone. To the south: Wildcat aligns with the Mound Builders of ancient Mississippian culture and the Mayans of the Yucatan.
Wildcat Mountains geographic position within North America speaks to a coming together or convergence of biomic regions. Expanding on the proposed Wildcat Medicine Wheel- larger wheels generate a pebble in the pond syndrome set in motion by this wheel. The accompanying graphic speaks to this position. The other rings/ wheels mark biome regions whose diameter is set by defining synergistic geographic characteristics common to the wheels sense of place. The wheel is centered on OK City and includes much of Texas- as the present Biome in power with the past three presidents coming from this biome as well as their base of oil and military and christian power elite. I’ve coined this the “Oil Biome”. Wildcat also harmonically links to the Southern Biome, Great Lakes Biome, and the Black Hills or High Plains Biome. Place names indicate locations of interest to act as distant anchor- projectors of the intent set by the Wildcat Medicine Wheel.
Poised due south of Wildcat Mountain is the very powerful and unstable New Madrid Fault with its radiating tremor zones. Centered around this fault like a blood shot eye is the ‘Trails of Tears’ taken by the Native ancestors in their forced relocation to the Oklahoma Territory. This karmic zone is all wrapped up with the curse of Tucumsa and is a national sin that has yet to be forgiven. With Wildcat is an opportunity to work towards healing this crack in the spiritual heart of America. Wildcats synergistic position between the Oil, Southern and Great Lakes Biomes works the compression zone of the fault and sets the wheels in motion generating a mutually supportive dynamic fueled by the high compression zone of the New Madrid Fault. And the Wheels go Round!
Wildcat is a place of power whose old land hold the memories of before the glaciers. This original memory is a good reminder for us moderns. The wave forms of river and rock emanating from Wildcat carry the wave frequency of intention outward. Given the potential blowback this work should only be done with the highest and noblest of good intentions.
Peace and Good Will
In Gratitude
Peter Champoux author Gaia Matrix