Getting ready for the midwinter/spring changes

Wildcat Medicine Wheel project co-ordinator, Lightdoc, starting from Main Street Station in Viroqua to wrap arms around the Earth and her people with a Love of Life, cycling around, for the Biggest Little Prayer on Earth and walking in Faith to touch and taste the Land, Oceans, Heaven and Life all around.
We are ONE in the Mystery.
We are ONE in the Beauty.
We are ONE in the Magick of this medicine.
I am you and you are me and we are we together.
Together miracles follow miracles and wonders never cease.
Together we will touch the Galactic Center in Gratitude and Delight.
We give thanks for our parents and ancestors.
We give thanks for our children and descendants.
We give thanks for our friends and relatives.
We give thanks for the connection to Source.
We give thanks for the River of Life.
We give thanks to the Earth for softening and ripening all things.
We give thanks for the Love in which we daily live.
We give thanks for the bounty set before us this day.
We give thanks for the Universal Dance of Life which is always NOW.
First stop Southern California February 6, 2006.
Blessings on the Wheel as it sets in motion for softening the changes of the Earth Mother and all Intergalactic Life.
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